I've been teaching classes for over 40 years ...
… In all that time, I’ve never found anything more effective than the Arche philosophy. This simplistic approach to live life connected with the Universe is astounding. It’s like going with the flow, where you open your consciousness to all the secrets of life, only to realize they were never really secret to begin with; the truth was there all the time.
My search began as a yearning to know more ...
… As a kid, I never really fit in, even though it looked like I did. I had friends, was healthy, and extremely fortunate to grow up in a loving family, well provided for. But I felt like an outsider; I saw life differently than others and had so many questions. I had a good life but still felt like something was missing – even though I didn’t know what I was searching for.
I experienced a shift in consciousness ...
… When I was 22, I went to a seminar that answered all my questions. Walking into Arche, I finally found someone who thought like me, was answering questions I’d never even thought of yet. It was like coming Home; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, everything fell into place and I experienced a shift in Consciousness that aligned me with my highest expression.
I was introduced to the Arche philosophy ...
…Rosita Rodriguez, Ph.D. was my friend and teacher for many years. I was fortunate to work with Rosita at Arche International where we traveled all over the world, sharing these truths. Although Rosita has since passed on to a different realm, and Arche International closed its doors, the Arche philosophy lives on in all the lives we touched and in the Arche Meditation Center of Purpose and Joy.
I started out very quiet and shy ... then I found my voice ...
… Before taking Arche classes, I was a quiet person. People who know me today have a hard time believing that for as I grew in my consciousness, I learned to have a voice. I changed so much, letting go of old beliefs, growing in self-esteem and confidence that I found strength I never knew I had. This was my motivation for teaching; I wondered how many wonderful gifts others could share if they knew this empowering philosophy.
I established the Arche Meditation Center of Purpose and Joy ...
… I felt compelled to share this philosophy with others to help them remember who they are, recognize their value and set themselves free to live a life of Purpose and Joy. I’m grateful to have played a part in so many people’s lives who’ve surrendered to receive all the richness the Universe has to offer. I am truly Thankful, Grateful and Blessed.